Cloud Native Application Protection Platform and Kubernetes Security Posture Management

A cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP) is an all-in-one cloud-native software platform that simplifies monitoring, detecting and acting on potential cloud security threats and vulnerabilities.

Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM) is a set of tools and practices to automate security and compliance across K8s clusters. It helps to:

  • Automate security scans across K8s clusters.
  • Detect Kubernetes misconfigurations.
  • Define security policies.
  • Assess and categorize threats.

KSPM is important because it helps to mitigate the security threats posed by human error and oversight across K8s clusters without hampering scalability.

IaC Scanning

Our scanning parse common cloud-native template formats.

K8s Security

Our pod and Graph risk engine identify the most critical risks affecting your containers and prioritize remediation with full visibility of your K8s clusters asset, performance, and dependencies.

Serverless Security

We scan your serverless for getting POLP, risks, sensitive data, vulnerabilities in the code packages, and performance limitations.

Secure the CI/ CD Pipeline

Securing the landing zone from architecture design to runtime.

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